Concierge Care

Nexus Wound Consultants offers concierge care for patients who have difficulty getting to the doctor or require more direct primary care.

Concierge care is a healthcare model that emphasizes personalized care, accessibility, and convenience. By paying a flat monthly fee, patients can enjoy unlimited office and telehealth visits, direct care from a doctor without the worry of copays or other charges, and even access to their doctor’s direct phone line for medical inquiries. Simple diagnostic and blood tests can be conducted in the doctor’s office, and in the event of a major health issue, the doctor will coordinate any necessary specialist referrals or hospital care.

This model removes the interference of insurance or corporate health systems, allowing for a direct relationship between doctors and patients. Providing concierge medicine allows our practice to focus on what we love to do – providing the best possible care to our patients.

Nexus Wound Consultants Concierge Care

Is Concierge Care right for you?

Concierge care is not an alternative to health insurance. While it does provide a high level of personalized care and direct access to a physician for a flat fee, it generally does not cover hospital stays, specialist treatments, emergency room visits, surgeries, or high-cost diagnostic tests. These are areas where traditional health insurance would typically come into play.

Therefore, many people who opt for concierge care also maintain a high-deductible insurance plan to cover potential high-cost health issues. If you are interested in our concierge care services, consider the pros and cons:


  • Personalized Care: Patients receive more personalized attention, longer appointments, and a greater focus on preventative care and overall wellness.
  • Guaranteed access to care 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • Same-day or next-day appointments
  • Standard care, including wound treatment, blood work, physicals and preventative screening, in office
  • No copays or deductibles for office visits
  • Some common medications are dispensed directly from the office at a discount


  • You still need regular health insurance to cover things like hospitalization and specialty referrals
  • The membership fee typically only covers services provided by the concierge doctor. Lab tests, hospital stays, and specialist visits are usually not included and would need to be covered by insurance or out-of-pocket.
  • While you have more access to your doctor, if the practice is full, you may be placed on a waiting list.